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Posted by Colie 1 kommentarer

I'm trying to study now but I can't concentrate..... I'm sooooo

ooo bored! But I really need some work done in our marketing research project, because I DO NOT want to do it during my Christmas holiday. Anyways,

while studying, it made me think of my classmate's shocking (yes shocking) face when she saw my handwriting:

"OMG did you write this?? Is this your handwriting?? It doesn't match your appearance at all!! Honestly.... it looks like a guy's handwriting hahaha"

And you know what, I got it confirmed by a male classmate too:

"Hahaa...yeh honestly, it does look like guy's handwriting, but hey is that an insult??"

Yeh yeh I know my handwriting is ugly, I just can't be bothered to do anything about it now... XD

Here are some stupid pictures of me at my cousin's place (taken when I was trying to "study")

(very matching right :D)


1 Response

  1. jill says:

    lol din handstil xD den är okej alltså...