• Graduation ceremony in the City Hall

    I AM AN OFFICIAL GRADUATE STUDENT NOW!! WOHOOOO!! All the graduate students were gathered at 14.00 for rehearsal and photography. The real graduation ceremony started at 17.00. My feet hurt SO MUCH we walked up and down the stairs and with my high heels it wasn't easy. It ended up that me and Louise sat down on the floor when waiting for the walkout (with our big dresses yes, not very glamorous haha). We all were starving as well!! ...

  • Max factor xperience review and a mini excursion with Miss N!

    So I returned to my favourite mascara brand, Max factor! I randomly bought one at HM because I had a 20% coupon and saw that there was a new Max Factor collection out that is called Xperience. This collection is very new so there are very few people that have reviewed the products but since I have always liked Max Factor's mascaras, I bought one anyway ...

  • (Almost) Everything about Mei aka Mei Mei

    ...Usually when I am awake and gets up to make my bed (I sleep with my door closed btw), I often find Mei sitting quietly outside my door waiting for me to come out (so freaking cute). She yawns, stretches and gives me a good morning meow. She sometimes wait outside the bathroom when I'm inside LOL...

  • Let me present my kind of new kitty cat, Taiga :D

    I got a new kitten in May 2011 and his name is Taiga (his former name was Lion King, but I didn't really like it... so I changed it haha). He is a lynx red pointed Birman, and is supposed to have quite rare markings. Oh well, not that I really cared for that when I chose him. I chose him simply because of his sweet sweet personality....

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Wah jag läste nyss en artikel i aftonbladet (jag vet... jag skäms faktiskt över att jag läser aftonbladet vid jämna mellanrum) som handlade om att forskare har hittat en manet som kan "föryngra" sina celler då den har blivit utsatt för en stor fysisk skada. Eftersom det är aftonbladet så förklarar de såklart inte mer ingående vad "föryngring av celler" exakt innebär.

However, det här kan bidra till dagens cancerforskning! Jag tror säkert att det kan hjälpa forskning i demens sjukdomar som parkinson och alzheimer där sjukdomsorsaken beror främst på apoptosis (en kedjereaktion där proteiner genomgår en sorts självförstörelse = CELLEN DÖR).

Aftonbladets artikel

yeh I know, I'm such a nerd...

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Don't try to take advantage of us just because you have a little bit more experience than us. If we offer something we expect that YOU give something back!!

Thought that I might stand silent and agree with everything you come with?


Just because I give you a sweet smile doesn't mean that I will help you unconditonally and let you exploit us! That's how it works, you won't get anything for FREE

Yep surprise surprise!

彦 - the bitch today

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Happy Moo Year!!!

Återigen, snälla låt detta år vara ett BRA år!!!!

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Fick ingen mjukstart direkt... igår hade vi våran första föreläsning i Macroeconomics kl 08.15. Heh jag känner mig allt för väl, inte en chans att jag klarar av att vakna så tidigt precis efter tentorna... så ja jag tog en timmes sovmorgon och kom på halva föreläsningen.

Det borde ju kännas som att en stor sten har lyfts bort från ens axlar nu efter tentorna, men ooooh nej...jag känner mig fortfarande stressad:

* Fasar för management och ledarskap där det finns FÖR många obligatoriska delar.

* Träffa alla människor jag har lovat att träffa nu när jag inte är upptagen med skolan.

* Planera inför kinesiska nyåret på lördag

* Träffa någon snubbe som kanske kaaaanske kan fixa ett bra sommarjobb åt mig? aarghhh nerve breaking!!!

* Planera inför festen den 6:e februari

*Rensa min garderob

Det finns en ytterligare faktor, som gör både mig och min kära vän rädda för att gå till skolan.

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer



Är det så mycket begärt/egoistiskt av mig att VILJA HA LUGN OCH RO???

Just nu ville jag bara hitta något bra föremål att stampa på, CRUSH IT! Få ut all min IRRITATION!

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Oh well I guess I was too optimistic last time and totally blindfolded by it.
But this time is real, no more guessing and hiding.

Everyone has a dark past, and life is full of difficult obstacles to overcome. But people need to deal with it and move on, life is too short for an endless selfpityness.

Sometimes, happiness requires effort. God granted our lives but also the free will. Appreciate your life and use it wisely because you only live once,
only you have the ability to make your own life less miserable and live happily.


Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Different theorems used in International Economy:

The Ricardian theorem
- Trade is driven by different labour productivity. A country chooses to produce the good which they have a comparative advantage in producing (lowest opportunity cost).

The Hecsher-Ohlin theorem (Yay Swedes!)- Trade is driven by different resources. A country produces more of the product that requires the factor they are abundant in.

The Stolper Samuelson theorem - Trade benefits the abundant factor and harms the scarce factor in each country.

The Rybczynski Theorem
- If the relative price is fixed and given that both goods continue to be produced. If the economy's supply of a factor of production increases, then the output of the good that uses this factor intensively will increase and the output of the other good decrease. A biased expansion of production possibilites.
(will be updated)

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Jag tycker om

körsbär och apelsin i deras naturliga smak....

mais je désteste körsbär och apelsin i deras ester smak

Jag gillar mindre päron som frukt....

men jag tycker om piggelin :D


Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

I am SO screwed. I have my exams in a week (well maybe a few days more than one week), and there's a question that keep coming up in my mind "What the **** did we do this term??? I don't understand this shit!". It's like everything was a dream, and anything related to school is blurred out...

I'm waiting for a miracle to happen

sadly, miracles tend to not happen in my life.

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

År 2008 är förbi, det har varit ett ganska händelsefullrik år (både gott och ont). Fast jag hoppas verkligen att 2009 blir bättre...
