I was so disappointed with the maybelline colossal mascara, it smudged after like 4 hours! And I even bought the waterproof version. Well, I have heard many good things about this mascara but I think my eyes just don't go well with maybelline mascaras. I have never bought a maybelline mascara that doesn't smudge on me!
So I returned to my favourite mascara brand, Max factor! I randomly bought one at H&M because I had a 20% coupon and saw that there was a new Max Factor collection out that is called Xperience. This collection is very new so there are very few people that have reviewed the products but since I have always liked Max Factor's mascaras, I bought one anyway.
I couldn't find a picture of the mascara brush, but it looks like Max Factor's False Lash Effect only less big. So it's made of rubber-ish material as well. Now, choosing mascara is rather individual it really depends on what kind of effects you're looking for. As for me, the most important criterias are:
* Seperating - because my lashes tend to lump up easily and it looks really wierd
* NON-smudging - I think it's an asian thing, make up tends to smudge easily on me. Maxfactor mascaras don't smudge on me, love!
* Curls my lashes - And again, I have the typical asian lashes that are extremely stubborn and unwilling to have a nice romantic/fluttery curve. (Sigh)
And this mascara meets all my requirements (it kind of curls my lashes, not into the very glammy lashes though... but good enough for my asian lashes XD)
No-makeup (a tired eye)
After applying the mascara (only upper lashes)
* Obs I didn't curl my lashes with a lash curler so it's quite impressive how it manages to curve my stubborn asian lashes!
People that are looking for a mascara that makes their lashes look fuller and more dramatic, you should go for a mascara with regular brush (not rubber).
Me and Miss N went to town to find her Zara coat but all the small sizes were out of stock =/ we also went to a crystal store to look at the Swarovski charms. As all the Stockholmers might know, there's a new tramcar in the city and we decided to take a ride with it :DMiss N the tourist doing da asiaaan poooose!!
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Haha va rolig nina ser ut
Den vekrar bra mascaran! VAd kostar den? Dina ögonfransar är ju typ redan böjda :P vadå "stubborn asian lashes" lol
just det, kan du visa bild på din jacka eller.
Samma prisklass som den där false lash effect ca. 170kr. Men den har mer produkt än den så förhoppningsvis så torkar den inte ut lika snabbt.
Vadå neej de är inte alls böjda hallå ser du inteeeee!
jo de är böjda nog, asså mina = rakt neråt, täcker liksom ögat dina är raka utåt = böjda xD
visa jackaaaan
jag köpte en jacka på gap-rea idag hihihi
Ne jag tycker du har mer böjda, jag har sett! Speciellt dina fransar längst ut XD
ok ok jag ska visa (har bilder, inte orkat ladda upp de bara XD), visa DIN jacka oxå då!!