• Graduation ceremony in the City Hall

    I AM AN OFFICIAL GRADUATE STUDENT NOW!! WOHOOOO!! All the graduate students were gathered at 14.00 for rehearsal and photography. The real graduation ceremony started at 17.00. My feet hurt SO MUCH we walked up and down the stairs and with my high heels it wasn't easy. It ended up that me and Louise sat down on the floor when waiting for the walkout (with our big dresses yes, not very glamorous haha). We all were starving as well!! ...

  • Max factor xperience review and a mini excursion with Miss N!

    So I returned to my favourite mascara brand, Max factor! I randomly bought one at HM because I had a 20% coupon and saw that there was a new Max Factor collection out that is called Xperience. This collection is very new so there are very few people that have reviewed the products but since I have always liked Max Factor's mascaras, I bought one anyway ...

  • (Almost) Everything about Mei aka Mei Mei

    ...Usually when I am awake and gets up to make my bed (I sleep with my door closed btw), I often find Mei sitting quietly outside my door waiting for me to come out (so freaking cute). She yawns, stretches and gives me a good morning meow. She sometimes wait outside the bathroom when I'm inside LOL...

  • Let me present my kind of new kitty cat, Taiga :D

    I got a new kitten in May 2011 and his name is Taiga (his former name was Lion King, but I didn't really like it... so I changed it haha). He is a lynx red pointed Birman, and is supposed to have quite rare markings. Oh well, not that I really cared for that when I chose him. I chose him simply because of his sweet sweet personality....

Posted by Colie 5 kommentarer

I went to the cinema last night with some friends and saw "The Social Network" a movie about the history of Facebook. The movie was really good, quite fascinating how (The) Facebook was established by some hardcore Harvard students in their room. Wah, I wish I was that smart and successful! I don't know Mark Zuckerberg personally, but the movie portraited him as a quite...eeer... special individual with some socializing issues. So high IQ AND high EQ would be the great combination XD

Anyways, moving forward to another topic, just right before the movie started we discussed about some famous youtubers. We mentioned kevjumba and his father, (I think it was) miss N that pointed out that Kevin seemed to be a little bit annoyed with his dad in a episode of the Amazing Race. I couldn't recall it when miss N said that but I just saw a new video of them, and there seemed to be reversed roles haha! His dad acting like a child fooling around and Kevin the serious dad saying "Focus dad!". Nevertheless, they seem to have a good father-son relationship ^^ oh by the way, they were acutally in SWEDEN! More exactly, Kiruna haha! I have acutally never been in Kiruna myself lol!

I found the bear part hilarious. Normally you would FREAK OUT when you see a bear in the wild! (seriously I would PANICK!). But his dad just casually remarked "Oh that's a bear haha!" like it was a zoo or something.

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5 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    hahah så jävla bra "oh thats a bear"

    kevjumba har växt, lite manligare lol. det var en bra video, var de med i något program som han ahr klistrat ihop?

  2. Colie says:

    Haha jag har inte tänkt på att han har växt XD kommer inte ihåg hur gammal han är men jag troor han e 90:a =P

    Ah de är med i ett program som heter Amazing Race och där man flyger runt och tävlar.

  3. Anonymous says:

    ah han är 90a, men han ahr mindre babyfat nu än förut, om du kollar på hans första videon så ser du.

    oh det är som det de hade för 10 år sen i sverige.. "på rymmen" har du sett den? jag skule vilja vara med i ett sånt program..fett roligt

  4. Anonymous says:

    hans pappa är så söt :)

  5. Colie says:

    haha nina!