• Graduation ceremony in the City Hall

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  • (Almost) Everything about Mei aka Mei Mei

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  • Let me present my kind of new kitty cat, Taiga :D

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Posted by Colie 2 kommentarer

Seriously what's wrong with me?? Weell I was supposed to go home after my human resource management class but I just happened to stop by Bik Bok. And again, I didn't inted to buy anythiiiing!! Really!
So what did I find when I went it there? The "charlie chapling" hat (lol I don't know the proper name for it) that I have been looking for over ayear!!!!! However there were only grey coloured left but I really wanted a black one so I went to the sales-girl and asked for a black one - and she told me that they were sold out! *gasp*!! Luckily they still had ONE left, on a doll in their display window. She was sooo nice and took it of and let me buy it XD *cheers*

I saw a kid, who prolly was around 10 years old, playing with her iphone on the bus. I just don't understand how parents nowadays can buy an expensiiiive electronic device for their kid who hardly know all its functions! I just couldn't help to leek and saw her having a Zac Efron picture in her iphone. Oh dear. She is so going to become a stureplan-brat.


2 Responses

  1. Nu är du fördomsfull!

    och plus, det är folk som är äldre än 10 år som INTE vet alla funktioner!

    Fin hatt! är det en sån som du ville ha eller vadå?

    du och jag. Spontan Shopping is da shit! haha

  2. Colie says:

    Ja det må vara fördomar men det känns ändå väldigt skumt att köpa en mobil för 6000kr till en tioåring :P och tänk om nån rånar stackars barnet! Det är mycket pengar!

    Ah det är en sån! Fast jag vill ha en sån i strå/halm oxå, men jag hittade inte förra sommaren =/ jaaa hahahaa du och jag verkar ha spontan shoppat rätt mkt på sistone. Not goood!!