I'm sitting in the library and trying to get some work done. I have been out on Friday and Saturday till night/day.
I'm going to give you a quick summary of these days haha can't be bothered to write a long post about it:
My friend wanted me to attend an Asian party. I didn't really want to because it was only me and her (her friends were not in party mood and other were sick and bla bla). Anyways, I decided to go in the end. It wad okay, I enjoyed the night but it wasn't a GREAT night. Plus, we met a lot of weird people haha...
I saw at least 4 girls that were crying and acting all dramatic... With the their fake eyelashes dangling from their eyelids and makeup all smeared. Heh.
We left the club at 3.30 and went to a kebab takeaway with her two friends. The time was after that 4 ish and the train didn't go until 5.53. Being poor students we were quite unwilling to pay taxi.... So we went to the karaoke place and stayed there until 06.00. We got home around 07.00.
You know, it's always so wierd when you get home to get some sleep and then see people leaving their homes to go out.
Well we only got 2-3 hours of sleep because we had to wake up at 11.00 for dimsum haha. But I couldn't sleep anyways... I'm always like that a night out with some alcohol. Sooo after some really good dim sum and COFFEE we started to explore Birmingham! We had dinner at Jamie Oliver's restaurant. It was quite good, but did not really meet up my high expectations. Got home late again.
I slept till 10.00 hahaha so tireeeed! Tried to study, cleaned my room!
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