I've been lazy to blog, anyways I've been home for almost two weeks already. Time flies and i haven't had to study >_< I just started today.
I AM AN OFFICIAL GRADUATE STUDENT NOW!! WOHOOOO!! All the graduate students were gathered at 14.00 for rehearsal and photography. The real graduation ceremony started at 17.00. My feet hurt SO MUCH we walked up and down the stairs and with my high heels it wasn't easy. It ended up that me and Louise sat down on the floor when waiting for the walkout (with our big dresses yes, not very glamorous haha). We all were starving as well!! ...
So I returned to my favourite mascara brand, Max factor! I randomly bought one at HM because I had a 20% coupon and saw that there was a new Max Factor collection out that is called Xperience. This collection is very new so there are very few people that have reviewed the products but since I have always liked Max Factor's mascaras, I bought one anyway ...
...Usually when I am awake and gets up to make my bed (I sleep with my door closed btw), I often find Mei sitting quietly outside my door waiting for me to come out (so freaking cute). She yawns, stretches and gives me a good morning meow. She sometimes wait outside the bathroom when I'm inside LOL...
I got a new kitten in May 2011 and his name is Taiga (his former name was Lion King, but I didn't really like it... so I changed it haha). He is a lynx red pointed Birman, and is supposed to have quite rare markings. Oh well, not that I really cared for that when I chose him. I chose him simply because of his sweet sweet personality....
I've been lazy to blog, anyways I've been home for almost two weeks already. Time flies and i haven't had to study >_< I just started today.
I had a really scary nightmare last night. Not nightmare with scary ghosts and monsters, it was a scary yet kind of a "realistic" dream. The weird bit is that I realised that it was a only a dream in the middle of it, but I was still scared because it was so real. I was thinking, WHAT IF it's not a dream! Luckily, it didn't end bad (I think it's because I later realised it's just a dream) but God I felt so stressed and paranoid in the dream. You know the feeling of being chased and you can't relax because you need to constantly look out for danger and enemies. AND on top of that, worrying and protecting people you care about.... I'm not a superwoman with special power you know (not even in the dream lol) =___=
Jeez, I was hoping for a good sunday sleep -____-
....Anyways, on a different note :P I rarely have nightmare with ghosts and monsters etc (I had nightmares as a kid though) but even if I do have one it starts of being kind of scary but I always manage to become "friends" with the monster or ghost lol It's either because it turns out that the monster/ghost is not evil at all, just sad.... OR the ghost is actually not a ghost but a human that people are afraid of.
Oh wow this post is so WEIRD, but anyways my tips for people that often have nightmares:
1. If you want to wake up from the bad dream: In your dream, go and find a deep sea and a high place where you can jump off into the water. That ALWAYS wake me up (I discovered this when I was a kid). You know what, I told this to my friends one day and they said it sounds like INCEPTION. I haven't watched that movie yet lol but I think I should haha it sounds interesting!
2. If you want to "take control" of you dream and turn it to good dream: Weeell it depends what kind of nightmare you have. If it's a dream with ghosts and monsters, try to make friends with them? Like try to talk to them XD They might not be bad as you think! If it doesn't work and you are unable to find a sea to jump into, close your eyes (in the dream of course haha) and try to be complete blank in your mind. You might start off a new dream that is not scary or wake up.
You must think I'm crazy HAHA! But you know, it's YOUR dream after all. I actually think dreams are interesting, I even have a dream dictionary ^^;;