• Graduation ceremony in the City Hall

    I AM AN OFFICIAL GRADUATE STUDENT NOW!! WOHOOOO!! All the graduate students were gathered at 14.00 for rehearsal and photography. The real graduation ceremony started at 17.00. My feet hurt SO MUCH we walked up and down the stairs and with my high heels it wasn't easy. It ended up that me and Louise sat down on the floor when waiting for the walkout (with our big dresses yes, not very glamorous haha). We all were starving as well!! ...

  • Max factor xperience review and a mini excursion with Miss N!

    So I returned to my favourite mascara brand, Max factor! I randomly bought one at HM because I had a 20% coupon and saw that there was a new Max Factor collection out that is called Xperience. This collection is very new so there are very few people that have reviewed the products but since I have always liked Max Factor's mascaras, I bought one anyway ...

  • (Almost) Everything about Mei aka Mei Mei

    ...Usually when I am awake and gets up to make my bed (I sleep with my door closed btw), I often find Mei sitting quietly outside my door waiting for me to come out (so freaking cute). She yawns, stretches and gives me a good morning meow. She sometimes wait outside the bathroom when I'm inside LOL...

  • Let me present my kind of new kitty cat, Taiga :D

    I got a new kitten in May 2011 and his name is Taiga (his former name was Lion King, but I didn't really like it... so I changed it haha). He is a lynx red pointed Birman, and is supposed to have quite rare markings. Oh well, not that I really cared for that when I chose him. I chose him simply because of his sweet sweet personality....

Posted by Colie 6 kommentarer

I wish he was the main character in the Korean Drama Flower boy ramyun shop:

Seriously Miss S how can you not think that Lee Ki Woo is cute, good-looking (and hot LOL).

XD Cheers!

Posted by Colie 1 kommentarer

I'm trying to study now but I can't concentrate..... I'm sooooo

ooo bored! But I really need some work done in our marketing research project, because I DO NOT want to do it during my Christmas holiday. Anyways,

while studying, it made me think of my classmate's shocking (yes shocking) face when she saw my handwriting:

"OMG did you write this?? Is this your handwriting?? It doesn't match your appearance at all!! Honestly.... it looks like a guy's handwriting hahaha"

And you know what, I got it confirmed by a male classmate too:

"Hahaa...yeh honestly, it does look like guy's handwriting, but hey is that an insult??"

Yeh yeh I know my handwriting is ugly, I just can't be bothered to do anything about it now... XD

Here are some stupid pictures of me at my cousin's place (taken when I was trying to "study")

(very matching right :D)

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

Three projects and we haven't even started on one of them! Haaaiii! Last week was crazy and this week will be quite hectic as well... so I decided that I need some mini vacation to London this weekend! Seriously, it's so cheap... you can find a returning ticket for like 75kr!

Anyways, good night from Taiga :)

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

I am pretty sure that I am on the reception's blacklist because I have been there SO many time. These are the things I have complained about (so far)

* Heater (it's working now)
* Ants in bathroom (They have disappeared but I'm not sure if they have actually done anything to it or it's simply too cold for ants to be out now)
* Bed (Got a new mattress)
* Draining in bathroom (fixed)
* Draining in kitchen (not fixed, so I might go back and complain again)
* Vacuum cleaner (fixed)

Actually, 2 of the things are related to the flat in general BUT my flatmates seem to not bother that the vacuum cleaner doesn't pick up ANYTHING and that it takes 10 years for the water to go away in the sink. *Sigh* well someone needs to do the dirty work which is me.

Posted by Colie 0 kommentarer

The funfair was so fun! And it felt so weird that it was in the campus! This never happens in Sweden! Imagine yourself Grönalund coming to your uni, crazy haha!

Cambridge was really nice! Love the buildings but it was kind of cold that day... so I have ended up with a flu now -___- *cough cough* but I feel better now. Better stock up medicin since I seem to get easily sick here.... I wonder why?? Is because I don't eat as healthy as I did in Sweden or what? By the way, I've lost weight... I weight 49-50kg now but I think it's because I've been quite sick lately (gum infection and now a flu)