I love dogs! Someday, I wish to have a chow chow or a cute samoyed! However I have had an obsession with cute cats lately and youtubed funny cat clips. So actually, it would be perfect if I could get a cat AND a dog :D but that's so not going to happen... well maaaybe if I (get rich and) live in a big house and have lots of spare time!
So if this dream comes true, I wonder if it would be like this:
Aaw the doggie just wanna play :D
edit: The cat kind of reminds me Garfield hahaaa only that he's black and not orange.
I went to the cinema last night with some friends and saw "The Social Network" a movie about the history of Facebook. The movie was really good, quite fascinating how (The) Facebook was established by some hardcore Harvard students in their room. Wah, I wish I was that smart and successful! I don't know Mark Zuckerberg personally, but the movie portraited him as a quite...eeer... special individual with some socializing issues. So high IQ AND high EQ would be the great combination XD
Anyways, moving forward to another topic, just right before the movie started we discussed about some famous youtubers. We mentioned kevjumba and his father, (I think it was) miss N that pointed out that Kevin seemed to be a little bit annoyed with his dad in a episode of the Amazing Race. I couldn't recall it when miss N said that but I just saw a new video of them, and there seemed to be reversed roles haha! His dad acting like a child fooling around and Kevin the serious dad saying "Focus dad!". Nevertheless, they seem to have a good father-son relationship ^^ oh by the way, they were acutally in SWEDEN! More exactly, Kiruna haha! I have acutally never been in Kiruna myself lol!
I found the bear part hilarious. Normally you would FREAK OUT when you see a bear in the wild! (seriously I would PANICK!). But his dad just casually remarked "Oh that's a bear haha!" like it was a zoo or something.
I saw this video of Will Smith's little daughter (Willow Smith) a few days ago. The first thought that ran through my mind was "My god why so much make up on a 9 year old little girl??? And what's with the nails!".
During my 3 three years at one of Sweden's top universities, I have encountered many many different business people. They are very different yet similar, and one of the most common trait they share is self-confidence. (yes there are some necessary generalisations here)
Self- confidence is one important trait that many employers seem to seek among their future employees. It is said to be one important factor for success, yet ironically also a common source of failure.
I believe, self-confidence is important but humility is essential. You can never be best at anything because there will always be people out there that do better. However, you can always improve and become better with a humble mind.
P.s. I am getting my Bachelor dimploma in November 12th!! Wohoooo!
Alright so I promised to show miss J my new coat that I bought from Topshops website. It is much cheaper to buy from their website than their actual shops, especially now when the british pound is so low!(my face is sooo round and chubby nowadays T_T)
Yesterday I had the sudden urge to make a yummy cake and I wanted to try a new recipe. So I googled around and found a recipe for Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake.
It took some time to make this cake and my mom complained how troublesome it was (even though I did everything by myself), that I was wasting my time and what if it doesn't turn out good and blablalblalaa...
Luckily, the cake was a success! The cake is SUPER SOFT! Not too sweet and very YUMMY! Both mom and dad loved it hahahaa! (Mom stopped complaining about how troublesome the recipe was :P)
I was so disappointed with the maybelline colossal mascara, it smudged after like 4 hours! And I even bought the waterproof version. Well, I have heard many good things about this mascara but I think my eyes just don't go well with maybelline mascaras. I have never bought a maybelline mascara that doesn't smudge on me!
So I returned to my favourite mascara brand, Max factor! I randomly bought one at H&M because I had a 20% coupon and saw that there was a new Max Factor collection out that is called Xperience. This collection is very new so there are very few people that have reviewed the products but since I have always liked Max Factor's mascaras, I bought one anyway.
I couldn't find a picture of the mascara brush, but it looks like Max Factor's False Lash Effect only less big. So it's made of rubber-ish material as well. Now, choosing mascara is rather individual it really depends on what kind of effects you're looking for. As for me, the most important criterias are:
* Seperating - because my lashes tend to lump up easily and it looks really wierd
* NON-smudging - I think it's an asian thing, make up tends to smudge easily on me. Maxfactor mascaras don't smudge on me, love!
* Curls my lashes - And again, I have the typical asian lashes that are extremely stubborn and unwilling to have a nice romantic/fluttery curve. (Sigh)
And this mascara meets all my requirements (it kind of curls my lashes, not into the very glammy lashes though... but good enough for my asian lashes XD)
No-makeup (a tired eye)
After applying the mascara (only upper lashes)
* Obs I didn't curl my lashes with a lash curler so it's quite impressive how it manages to curve my stubborn asian lashes!
People that are looking for a mascara that makes their lashes look fuller and more dramatic, you should go for a mascara with regular brush (not rubber).
Me and Miss N went to town to find her Zara coat but all the small sizes were out of stock =/ we also went to a crystal store to look at the Swarovski charms. As all the Stockholmers might know, there's a new tramcar in the city and we decided to take a ride with it :DMiss N the tourist doing da asiaaan poooose!!
I just came back home from a dental hygienist appointment where they cleansed my teeth because I had too much scale. It was really nasty.
Alright I don't think I can compare the pain with pulling out teeth (oh god, I'm dreading for it!), but the thing is... this unpleasant feeling lasted for like 20 min and with the blood taste in your mouth it was really really disgusting.
Most of the time, the pain was bearable but at some time it felt like she was cutting my gum. I think she (the dental hygienist) noticed my discomfort (I guess my facial expression was pretty obvious) and said "it's not painless because the scale is beneath your ginvia... but I'm almost done!"
Well with my sore teeth, my only consolation now is that my teeth are now shining clean!!!
And I will hereby be a good girl and floss my teeth regularly!!
I bought two dresses in Forever21 in Canada:I really like them and they were cheap! *Sigh* I wish Sweden had Forever21, we need more international brands!
Anyways, I had a 20% off coupon from H&M that expires soon so I used it today and bought two basic tank tops (one striped and one black... because there's a hole on my old black tank top T_T) and a pair of black leggings. The black leggings from H&M are really nice actually, thick and not transparent at all! I didn't bother to take picture of them because they are just ordinary basic clothings. I also bought a cute hair accessory!Look! Isn't it cute? I have no idea when I'm going to wear it though haha! It's too fancy for everyday wearing.... especially here in Swedish where less is more! (The opposite of Asian fashion, more is actually MORE!)
On my way back home I went to Gina Tricot as well because I've seen a nice red checkered shirt on their website. I have been looking for a nice red checkered shirt for ages! However, the time was already 17.00 and the shops were closing (again, only in Sweden gaah!!) so I didn't even try it on before buying.
Sooo...I tried the shirt at home and I like it. The problem is.... the shirt wasn't on sale so it cost 199kr =_= well not extremely expensive but not cheap either. But on the other hand... this shirt seems to be quite popular because there were barely any left of them in Västermalmsgallerian, and they were out of stock both in Solna and Kista....
Should I return it and wait for a cheaper one?? Or keep?? gaaahhh!!